We all have a story that happened to us, just as the world we live in has a story.

This story was told to us from an early age, by our parents and teachers, we read it in the newspaper and countless history books,

see it on television, hear it from our politicians, scientists and other authority figures.

This story defines exactly who we are; our role and function in the world, our values and priorities, our enemy and beliefs,

how we should behave, what motivates us and what we rebel against; all that is the direct result of this story.

This story has one basic theme; endless wars that have been going on all over the world since the beginning of time as we know it, the exploitation of our natural resources, the ever worsening destruction of our environment, global poverty and injustice that the masses have always rebelled against, but nothing has ever really changed for the better.

Human history is a collection of countless revolutions where the masses have rebelled against a corrupt system, a domineering leader or unjust government. Eventually the old system was replaced with a new system, new rulers and government forces, which may have been promising at the beginning, but after some time this new system became even more corrupt and unjust than the old system it replaced.

It is very similar with our personal history and our unique life experiences.

How we have processed these and what we have learned from experience has made us the person we are today.

How and what we think about, how we feel, our likes and dislikes, our consciousness and character,

as well as our entire perception and personality is the direct result of our personal life story.

This story, our personal life story, as well as the story of the world we live in will repeat itself until we have recognized the fundamental theme of (our) history. Once we start learning from history, we can change this theme and thereby rewrite (our own).

How to accomplish this, is one of the great tasks of

Let's make history!

Life coaching 

Kein Dinglisch language courses 

Community building 
